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Sound Protection, More Impermeable More Comfortable

Sound Protection, More Impermeable More Comfortable

There is an annoying thing when driving though it is driving a new car, that is, the noise from the outside goes inside the cabin. The tumultuous noise which comes from the undercar especially the noise from the rotating tyres  often can be heard from inside.
“The Sound Protection is not yet available by the dealer except cars from Europe", said Garry Limanta, Marketing Director of Anugerah Protecindo Inc, Ziebart Licensor.

Salah satu pelopor produk antikarat yang diimpor dari Detroit AS ini mempunyai peredam suara (Sound Protection). Dengan menggunakan Formula Q yang diklaim dapat mengurangi suara masuk ke kabin hingga 60 dB (desibel). “Ini beda dengan antikarat. Jadi akan disemprot lagi kalau sudah pakai antikarat (dua lapis, red),” sahut Willy, technical Ziebart.
One of the stainless product pioneer which is imported from Detroid AS, has sound protection in it. It is using Q Formula which is claimed can reduce 60 dB. 

It has five years warranty for showroom cars. The price is not differed by car dimension.
So? are you interested to add some tune ups for your car?

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